/ Year two / Project: Interpretation

My fourth project was about Interpretation, I was given the quote “Go to where the silence is and say something.” by Amy Goodman. Using my interpretation of the quote I was required to design one of the following; an a2 poster, a2 spread, 2 a3 spreads, a4 booklet or a5 concertina books.

I began this project by generating as many ideas as I could to capture my interpretations of the quote. I then went on to research about Amy Goodman and the context in which the quote was said. After finding out that it was in reference to the duty of journalists and the media I decided to go with one of my original interpretations as I thought it would be more fitting for this brief. The idea behind my set of beak books was to take the quote in its literal sense but show it in a subtle way. I am happy with the final result of this project and how the books are presented. I found it was an interesting exercise for me to make the presentation box for the books, as I have not done this before.

 This project gave me the opportunity to enhance my interpretive skills and develop a more subtle approach to solving design problems.

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